• Adolescent and Adult Program


Adolescent and Adult Program

The Adolescent and Adult Services Program at Society for Autism Support and Services (SASS) offers skill enhancing employment readiness and work experience programs for autistic individuals aged 15 years and older. In addition, employment and job coaching support is currently offered through Ready Willing and Able (RWA). 


Employment Readiness Programs

SASS’s Employment Readiness Programs aim to support autistic adolescents and adults to develop skills to promote independence and success with employment.  These programs are suitable for first time job seekers as well as those that are facing changes to, or challenges within their current job. These programs include opportunities to sample a variety of entry-level work tasks as well as training sessions covering topics such as preparing for employment, resume building, job search techniques, disclosure, advocacy, accessing accommodations, social communication in the workplace and other pre-employment skills. 

Current programs:
          • Work Skills Exploration
          • Pre-Employment Program


Work Experience Programs

SASS’s Work Experience Programs assist autistic adolescents and adults gain valuable, hands-on work experience. Both “hard skills” related to task completion, as well as “soft skills” required to be successful in a workplace are targeted.   

Current programs:
          • London Drugs Work Experience
          • SASS Custodial Work Experience

Watch our Adolescent and Adult Services Program in action by clicking here.


For further information about the AAS Program contact:

Joanne Greig, Program Coordinator

(403) 991-7823 or greigj@autism.ca


Job Seekers / Inclusive Hiring

Ready, Willing & Able (RWA) is a national initiative that engages, educates and supports employers to hire people with intellectual disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  As well, RWA aims to support job seekers in their pursuit to obtain meaningful employment. Society for Autism Support and Services is proud to be an RWA host agency.


For Job Seekers:

          • Do you identify as being on the autism spectrum? Are you 16 years of age or older?
          • Are you looking for employment in the Calgary area or need a little extra support in your post secondary studies?

Through the Ready, Willing and Able program, our Autism Outreach Coordinator can support you with navigating your path to success by connecting you to community agencies and services that:

          • provide pre-employment and employment readiness supports
          • have connections to competitive employment opportunities with businesses in a variety of industries
          • provide any additional supports or accommodations that may be needed on the job
          • refer job seekers to services that focus on mental health, life skills, housing, etc.
          • provide supports to assist you with your post-secondary studies

If you are a job seeker looking for further information or supports click here or contact:

Matt Allen

Autism Outreach Coordinator

(403) 991-8164 or allenm@autism.ca 


For Employers:

Ready, Willing, and Able (RWA) supports employers in accessing the business benefits of inclusive hiring. The RWA model is designed to support employers by providing:

          • insights on the business benefits of inclusive hiring and the return on investment experienced by Canadian businesses who hire people with autism or an intellectual disability
          • disability awareness training for your employees
          • an individualized approach to developing and implementing inclusive recruitment and selection strategies
          • coordinated access to a broad talent pool of persons with autism or an intellectual disability
          • direct connections to local employment agencies who provide complimentary on-the-job supports, such as job coaching, to qualified candidates and new employees with autism or an intellectual disability


If you are an employer looking to hire inclusively, please click here or contact:

Kyrsten Nielsen

Labour Market Facilitator

Regional Autism Coordinator – Alberta

587-894-6111 or nielsenk@autism.ca